Thursday, 27 August 2009

Meeting with a GrandMaster

feeling a bit tired today after playing chess last night against Grandmaster John Emms: John Emms is one of the UK's leading Grandmasters and has captained England in 2 chess Olympiads - he is also a very nice guy. He was giving a simultaneous as part of the Sandwich Festival - Sandwich being that sleepy but beautiful Kentish town rather than a random amount of bread and various cold meats!!

I will put the game up here - once I get home and work out how to upload it; but it was an exciting attacking display of powerful top level chess that had the audience glued to their seats - Grandmaster Emms played well too - LOL

The result was a draw and I won a copy of his renowned book - now if only I had read that before the game!!

Monday, 24 August 2009

S.N.A.P.S pt 2

There were 4 joint winners of the windmill competition!! Amazing as one was far superior to the other 3, and mine was one of the 3 lesser photos.

Here is the 'true' winner taken by the lovely Teresa x


Tonight (as Rod the Mod would say) is the night - our monthly meeting of SNAPS our group of keen amateur photographers belonging to the MS branch. Actually it is good fun, we are in the process of designing next year's calendar - on sale soon - proceed to charity folks!

Each month we have a couple of subjects we have to capture on film, then we judge the best photo. The only rule is that the photograph must not be edited in any way. This month we had to find a windmill and a thatched roof cottage - my windmill is shown here, just hope that the others believe me when I say it wasn't touched up at all! No Sir, I had to wait 25 minutes for the whale to jump just in the right place.......

will let you know the results tomorrow

Long Week

Its been a long week, what with bugs flying around, work far too busy and the World Championship Athletics to watch, still the athletics was great fun and a true all time great was discovered . . . . See the picture of him racing to sprint glory!!

Berlino the Bear - I think we should give him UK citizenship and use him to conquer the world in London 2012. Of course apart from Usain Bolt and the bear-hugging Berlino the other major story is the gender test of 800m champion Caster Semenya - I really feel sorry for her: she has to wait 3 weeks to get the official IAAF gender results with the whole world watching when all they had to do was take her straight outside the stadium and see if she could reverse park into a designated space - Easy!

Monday, 17 August 2009

Weekend of Sport

No, don't panic, I haven't taken up jogging or F1 driving, my lazy weekend was largely spent exercising my digits on the TV remote as I channel hopped watching sport.

Highlights were watching the exciting Jessica Ennis win the World Championship, seeing the mighty West Ham march up the Premier League to joint 2nd place and trying not to blink as Usain Bolt broke another World record, although I still have doubts that he is the world's fastest man - did you see the chubby photographer carrying half a ton of equipment around his neck who still managed to catch and overtake Usain on his victory lap? I say take away his Nikon and give him a pair of spikes - would make interesting viewing.

Thanks to Aaron and Lisa for a wonderful Sunday Roast dinner, beef, yorkshires and all the trimmings DE -LIC-IOUS.

We did have to wait a while for our lemon meringue pie - Lisa's recipe said 'beat 3 eggs . . . ' and it took her an hour and a half and 5 games of ludo until she managed it!!

World Champion

Congratulations to World Champion Jessica Ennis
She is fit!!

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Poker Update

Well, did I win?

Surely we all know its the taking part that matters, not the winning!!
Seriously I had a great time - thanks to Graham for emailing me an idiot's guide and to Paul who was in the chair next to me at the table and let me know when I made a mistake.
The games were fun, the grub was tasty and I think I played pretty well for a complete novice. Eventually I got carried away with my new talent and got 'persuaded' to go All In by a pretty maiden with inscrutable eyes - yes you guessed it she aced me, and the only chips I had left were the remnants of my sausage meal.

Still can't wait for the next event and sweet revenge - ha ha ha

Friday, 14 August 2009

5 Hours until I flop?

Well I am having a peaceful lunch, listening to Patti Smith and trying to memorize the ranking of poker hands. - I already know all about flops and the river - which brings back painful memories of a school geography trip back in the '70s. I have also developed a pretty mean 'Paddington' stare and am working on not giggling should I find myself with a nice pair in my hand. Should be easy

There are around 30 of us playing in the tournament - I am actually getting excited, not least because the evening includes a sausage and chips feast!

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Working in Tunbridge Wells

I am now working in Tunbridge Wells, like most offices the majority of the staff are lovely, hard working ordinary folk - although there are a few echoes of 'Monday Monday' ( A very silly comedy aimed at those juvenile middle aged people raised on Dad's Army) I love it!!

I haven't met Christine Frances (Head of HR) yet, which is a shame as I think Fay Ripley is brilliant but our office has its fair share of characters, most notably there is the ever present CEO wannabe, one of those poor souls who comes across as a failed candidate for Sir Alan's 'The Apprentice' - all overly applied makeup and loud and meaningless chatter, delivered at a scarily dangerous volume and at that manic breathless speed so beloved by those that hate, dare I say refuse to listen to any voice other than their own.

However I shall soon have a chance to meet a broader section of Butterworths, sorry the company, I have foolishly (Note to self 'edit foolishly to read bravely') entered a Poker Tournament which takes place after work tomorrow.

I think I will finish last as not only do I not know the rules but the closest I have ever come to playing was when I arranged a Strip Poker evening a few months ago. Sadly the event was cancelled when the Minogue sisters failed to show. Well I could hardly spend the time playing with myself could I?

On that note I shall say goodnight - watch out for a report on the card sharks very soon.

Welcome Back

Hi fans,
It has been a while and much water has flowed under the bridge, I have even reached my half century (Yes Impossible to believe I know!)

Anyway I will try to keep the blog updated as best I can